Building Mental Fitness – May is Mental Health Month

Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness but unfortunately, it’s often neglected. Incorporating activities that support good mental health into our daily routines can help us be healthier for years to come. Focusing on your own mental fitness can also have a tremendous ripple effect. Building resiliency in ourselves positively impacts those we love and our greater community. One simple way to begin a healthy mental fitness routine is to practice self-care.

With that in mind, North Range is offering simple ways to practice self-care and integrate mental fitness into your daily life through our “31 Tools to Thrive” challenge. This self-led challenge aims to provide wellness tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency. This challenge will help you set goals that are simple to accomplish such as going on a walk, practicing deep breathing, and unplugging from technology. Participate in the “31 Tools to Thrive” challenge in May by downloading the calendar here and keeping up with each day’s tool on Facebook or Instagram.

A Spanish version of the calendar can be found here.

Looking out for others is another significant way we can improve our community’s mental health. Consider one of these opportunities in May to educate yourself and share hope with others.

  • Attend the Frontier House breakfast at 7:30 am on May 5th at the Doubletree in Greeley. Enjoy a hearty in-person breakfast and learn more about an amazing program for people with mental illness right here in our community. Make an even bigger difference by becoming a sponsor. Seating is limited. Call 970.347.2128 to sponsor or RSVP.
  • Check out the series of mental health library programs hosted by The High Plains Library District, in collaboration with North Range Behavioral Health. Read more about our month-long series below.

Perhaps the most critical way to help others is to reach out. If you are worried about someone you know or love, tell them you are concerned. Share resources with them such as Crisis Support Services at 928 12th Street in Greeley. If you or someone you know needs help, call 970.347.2120 (option 2) to connect to a North Range Crisis Support Specialist.

We are beginning to talk and think about mental health differently. With each conversation about mental health, we break down stigma. We open the door for others to share their experiences with us, so we can be there for one another. This May, take it one step further. Do things that make taking care of your emotional and mental well-being as natural as taking care of your physical health.

Acts of Connection

Loneliness is more than just a feeling; it's a growing epidemic. According to the US Surgeon General 2023 Report on Loneliness, nearly half of all U.S. adults experience loneliness and … Read More

Stronger Together

A few years ago, I fell in love with a well-known saying in the Functional Family Therapy world: "No one is to blame… and everyone is responsible." Initially, this was shared … Read More

Garden Tools for Wellbeing

This past summer, Family Connects teamed up with the Greeley Morning Garden Club to build a sensory garden for children receiving mental health services at North Range Behavioral Health’s Littler … Read More