North Range Suicide Prevention Program Profiled on Weld Found Podcast

The Weld Found podcast is about “connection in an age of division,” and features stories from Weld County, Colorado. In a recent episode titled “The Longest Night,” the host addressed the holiday season and how for some people, rather than being a time of happiness and joy, it can be a time of sadness, depression, and increased suicide risk. And, of course, the pandemic has made for a very stressful year already.

This episode features a unique perspective from our Suicide Education and Support Services (SESS) program and talks about our QPR (Question. Persuade. Refer.) certification. Like CPR, the three QPR steps can save the life of a person in crisis. This program is especially crucial in our state, which has the ninth highest suicide rate in the nation, and in Weld County in particular, where a large number of people are employed in industries like construction and agriculture—industries with a high suicide rate.

It’s a powerful interview that’s part of a very enlightening and hopeful podcast, which ends with a breathing exercise that feels, as the host describes it, relaxing, centering, and hopeful. We encourage you to listen to the podcast and to contact us to learn more about SESS and QPR.

Holding hands in support

Mental Health Around the Holidays

Embracing the holiday season isn’t easy for everyone. Simply put: it can be a struggle to keep up with the festive demands of this time of year. Sure, the holidays can … Read More

Winter Joy at North Range

At North Range, our goal is to create an inclusive and festive atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. If you have visited or are planning on visiting one of our locations this … Read More