Acute Treatment Unit
Our Acute Treatment Unit stabilization facility (ATU) is designed to help people who are experiencing behavioral health emergencies and require support beyond what can be provided at home.
The ATU facility is a safe, affordable, and local alternative to a hospital stay,
which means you can begin crisis stabilization treatment in a comfortable, non-intimidating setting close to home. Compassionate behavioral health specialists and medical staff specialize in stabilization support to provide local, wrap-around care you can trust.
Upon completing treatment, North Range clients have access to a continuum of care that reaches beyond what you can find elsewhere in Colorado. From residential to intensive outpatient, to individual and group outpatient support, there is a place for everyone in the North Range network.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a behavioral health emergency, our crisis support professionals can help you explore options for the situation.
Over-the-phone support: Call 970.347.2120 (option 2)
In-person support: Crisis Support, 928 12th Street, Greeley, CO
Other Resources

Community Based Treatment and Support

Mental illness affects many of us. It is one of the most common health conditions in the United States and it affects our friends, our families, and ourselves.
For those of us who are experiencing mental health disorders, community based mental health treatment and supports can promote a positive outlook on life and enable people to participate in life and accomplish life goals. Our community-based programs are built on the belief that effective treatment must also address the social and environmental factors that underlie an individual’s mental health issues.
Supported Employment through Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
Supported Employment through Individual Placement and Support (IPS) employs a psychosocial rehabilitation model that focuses on wellness and recovery through work. Integrated with treatment provided by North Range, this program helps individuals with mental illness and/or substance use disorders find steady, competitive, supported employment to enhance recovery.
Frontier House
Frontier House is an innovative community-based program that follows the Clubhouse Model of Psychosocial Rehabilitation first established in New York City’s Fountain House over 70 years ago. Considered a model program in Colorado, Frontier House is founded on the commitment and belief that individuals with mental illness can and will actively engage in a recovery process given the opportunity to do so. Membership to the clubhouse is open to anyone over 18 with a diagnosis of mental illness or substance use disorder. To learn more about the Frontier House, visit
Peer Specialist Support Program
Our Peer Specialist Support Program pairs adults with lived experience to support individuals through struggles with mental illness, psychological trauma, crises, and/or substance use. Peer Specialists work in a variety of North Range programs with the goal of helping people to learn to advocate for themselves and develop effective coping techniques and self-help strategies. This group of trained individuals support individuals throughout the recovery journey by:
- Helping people in recovery articulate their recovery goals
- Modeling, encouraging, and supporting the use of new coping skills
- Monitoring recovery progress
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program provides outreach, case management, medication monitoring, stabilization and wellness support for those living with severe and persistent mental illness. The goal is to reduce hospitalizations and help people with significant challenges become more engaged in the community and live independently.
For more information on any of these programs, contact us or call 970.347.2120.

Individualized Support for Older Adults
As we progress through life, we gain momentum, with the force of built-up experience and wisdom pushing us forward. It’s important to make sure that we continue to stay mentally strong to make the most of our years throughout the journey of aging and maturity.
Senior peer counselors are a key component to the North Range continuum of care. They provide confidential support, encouragement, and coping tools to help older adults and their families cope with common challenges that are hard to handle alone. If you, or a loved one, is experiencing any of these stressors or just need to talk, we are here to help.
- Difficulty coping with life changes
- Illness of a loved one
- Isolation
- Loss through death of a loved one
- Physical health challenges
Contact us or call 970.347.2120.
North Range Behavioral Health is a participating provider of:

Outpatient Counseling
Taking care of our mental health includes talking through challenges with a professional, gaining coping skills for life’s stressors, and knowing we have a space to be heard. Counseling can help us develop skills to become the best version of ourselves, live fulfilling lives, and benefit those around us.
Challenges that can benefit from counseling support:
- Anxiety
- Body acceptance
- Building self-care routines
- Caregiving and parenting support
- Defining and achieving goals
- Depression
- Healthy lifestyle support
- Living with co-occurring disorders
- Mindfulness training
- Significant life transitions
- Sleep concerns/Chronic insomnia
- Stress management
- Substance use disorder
- Time management
- Work/life balance
No matter the situation, our counselors care deeply and are here to help.
Contact us or call 970.347.2120.

Psychiatric Services and Medication Management
Research shows that a combination of therapy and medications is often the most effective path to recovery. Our nurses, clinical nurse specialists, physician assistants, and psychiatrists can:
- Provide medical and medication support.
- Track and monitor your care to ensure you experience meaningful change.
Mental health disorders are preventable, treatable, and often curable. No matter your situation, North Range Behavioral Health is here to help through it all.
Contact us or call 970.347.2120 to get in touch with a mental health professional today.

Recovery within the Justice System
We know that strong relationships between behavioral health providers, human services agencies, and the justice system support healing in our communities. That’s why North Range Behavioral Health takes a collaborative and strengths-based approach in dealing with the mental health and substance abuse challenges which so often impact those involved with the legal system. Through these relationships, we hope to create higher levels of public safety, individual responsibility, and quality of life for participants and their families all while closing the revolving door of the justice system, reducing criminal recidivism and relapse behavior, and strengthening recovery rates.
We can help individuals who must:
- Address the issues that cause involvement with law enforcement - Probation Departments, City and County Courts, Diversion Programs, and Child Welfare Programs, and more.
- Complete a court order to engage in a behavioral healthcare treatment plan through probation, parole, or other entities within the justice system.
- Enroll in DUI treatment education.
Our collaborations provide various mental health and substance use disorder supports that reduce crime and create the higher levels of public safety, individual responsibility, and quality of life for participants and their families.
Building mentally well communities leads to safe communities. We proudly partner with the following agencies to integrate mental wellness within the justice system:
- Weld County Sheriff’s Office
- Weld County Courts
- Weld County Probation
- Weld County Behavioral Interventions
To learn more about referral processes, or how agencies can collaborate with North Range, contact us or call 970.347.2120.

Supportive Housing
At North Range Behavioral Health, we understand that mental health issues are the result of multiple interacting factors. Housing instability can drastically increase the chances that an individual will experience mental health issues at some point in their life. To promote better mental health in Weld County, our supportive housing services offer a continuum of clinical and residential options that serve a variety of needs arising from compounding mental health issues.
From residences staffed 24/7 to permanent supported housing, North Range offers independent living support, housing vouchers, and supports for adults transitioning from homelessness to community living. Through collaborations with federal, state, and local housing authorities, North Range can help people find the stability they need to make lasting recovery a reality. Participants in our supportive housing service programs can receive:
- Case management support
- Daily living assistance
- Group therapy
- Outpatient therapy
- Oversight and skill-building support
- Referral support within the North Range network and throughout the community
Contact us or call 970.347.2120.