North Range Behavioral Health is a contact center of the 988 Colorado Mental Health Line. Our trained professionals provide free, immediate, confidential, human support 24/7. If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed or panicked, struggling with substances, experiencing suicidal thoughts, or anything in between:

  • Call or Text 988
  • Walk-in: 928 12th Street in Greeley

We’re here for you in times of crisis. But if you or a loved one is facing a life-threatening or physical emergency, please call 911 for immediate assistance.

When a person is unable to make decisions or recognize help is needed, a relative, friend, or caregiver may guide them to evaluation and treatment. Emergency treatment can protect a person, or people threatened by that person’s behavior. Although our behavioral health advocates strive to work with the least restrictive intervention, there are times when emergency involuntary treatment can be the gateway to increased wellness.