How Do I Know if I Need Help?

Having a bad day or feeling stressed when faced with a tough situation is normal. We all experience times that make us feel sad, happy, frustrated, anxious, confused, and angry. Depending on how long these last, how strong these feelings are, or how we respond, we might need help.

Feelings that don’t go away, get worse, frighten us, or make us act or abuse substances in dangerous, self-destructive, or odd ways are not normal and need treatment.

We ALL have mental health. Mental health comes from a recipe made up of past experiences, what we learned about coping and making choices, and how chemicals in our brains help us think and feel. Hormones, nutrition, physical health, drug or alcohol use, medications, and many other ingredients also impact how we feel and respond to others. What’s important is recognizing when we need to make a positive change in our lives.

Call 970.347.2120 or fill out the contact form to learn more about North Range Behavioral Health services and find a mental health plan that is right for you.

If you are unsure of whether to seek help,
take a Mental Health American Assessment.

This test can help you understand what you’re feeling or may indicate a problem but should never be considered a substitute for talking to a professional who can thoroughly assess and offer appropriate treatment options.

If you experience several of these symptoms for a week or more, help is available.

  • Sleeping and/or eating problems
  • Chronic pain or feeling ill for no apparent reason
  • Drinking alcohol or using drugs regularly to “feel better”
  • Feelings of hopelessness or being overwhelmed
  • Unusual lack of energy or motivation
  • Intense feelings of stress or restlessness
  • Feeling bored with life and activities
  • Not wanting to be around other people
  • Irritability or anger
  • Panic attacks
  • Constantly worrying about problems

Substance Use Check-In

  • Have you ever felt you ought to cut down on your drinking or drug use?
  • Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking or drug use?
  • During the last year, has a friend or family member ever told you about things you said or did while you were drinking or using drugs that you could not remember?
  • Is drinking or drug use affecting your job, your performance in school, or your personal relationships?
  • Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?

Child Mental Health Check-In

In children, behaviors that suggest a problem include:

  • Sadness that lasts more than a day or two, or gets worse.
  • Recurring bad dreams.
  • Bed-wetting that reoccurs after potty training has been finished.
  • Headache or upset stomach that happens repeatedly, but doesn’t appear related to illness.
  • Destroying toys and other items – destruction beyond normal wear-and-tear.
  • Tearfulness or expressions of fear that last more than a day or two.
  • Excessive clinginess that is new or continual.
  • Angry or assaultive behavior – hitting, kicking, or biting.
  • Persistent school problems, including truancy, failing subjects, and problems with peers.
  • Statements about not wanting to live or efforts to hurt him/herself or others.
  • Hurting animals.
  • Involvement with law enforcement: stealing, assault, lying, truancy, vandalism.
  • Persistently disruptive behavior at school or home with little understanding of consequences.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Not being motivated for school, hobbies, or friends.
  • Being very afraid of certain places, people, or things.
  • Running away from home or school.
  • Problems with learning, including at school or about routines at home.
  • Being too grown up or too responsible for his/her age.
  • Eating problems, both eating too much and eating too little.
  • Persistent conflict with others.

Adolescent Mental Health Check-In

Teenagers experience combinations of feelings and interests as they transition between childhood and adulthood.
Hormones create mood changes; increased responsibility, expectations, and pressure with school, home and peers can be overwhelming. It may be hard to put words to these feelings. It may not occur to a teenager to say they feel depressed, stressed-out, angry, or overwhelmed. Teenage feelings are often expressed as behaviors.

Be on the look-out for:

  • Sadness or moodiness that lasts a week or more.
  • Overly sexualized or promiscuous behavior.
  • Angry or assaultive behavior.
  • Persistent school problems, including truancy, failing subjects, problems with peers.
  • Statements about not wanting to live or efforts to hurt him/herself or others.
  • Hurting animals or being deliberately mean to younger children or older adults.
  • Involvement with law enforcement, including stealing, assault, lying, truancy, or vandalism.
  • Disruptive behavior at school, home, or in the community.
  • Delinquent behavior, including gang involvement.
  • Not being motivated for school, hobbies, or friends.
  • Running away from home or school.
  • Taking on too much responsibility for his/her age.
  • Changes in eating patterns: eating too much or too little; extreme focus on weight.
  • Changes in sleeping habits.
  • Repeated lying.
  • Persistent conflict with others including adults, family, or peers.

Adolescent Substance Use Check-In

Signs your child is experiencing challenges related to drug or alcohol use:

  • Their grades have dropped.
  • You see an increase in inappropriate anger, irritability, or sullenness.
  • They are in a trance-like state.
  • You smell alcohol, gasoline, or cleaning fluids.
  • You notice an increase in the use of room deodorizes, strong-smelling body products, mouthwash, or breath mints.
  • They have developed an “I don’t care” attitude.
  • You find odd paint or stains on their clothing or body.
  • They frequently use eye drops.
  • You find drug-related paraphernalia like pacifiers, glow sticks, lollipops, empty aerosol cans, glue tubes, pipes, rolled up money, razor blades, and more.